Hotel Diva Spa, Kołobrzeg
Hotel Diva Spa, Kołobrzeg

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Active recreation by the sea – Kołobrzeg and surroundings

Active recreation by the sea – Kołobrzeg and surroundings

20 June 2024

Are you looking for an idea for a holiday full of exercise and fresh air? Kołobrzeg is an ideal place for lovers of active recreation! At the Diva SPA Hotel you will find comfortable accommodation and plenty of inspiration to spend time in the bosom of nature.

Walks and Hiking Trips by the Sea

Kołobrzeg and its surroundings offer a rich network of hiking trails, ideal for both experienced hikers and those who prefer less demanding routes. While walking along the shore, you can admire picturesque views and breathe in the iodine-rich air.

Hiking Trails in Kołobrzeg and Surroundings

  • Blue Trail - Jan Frankowski Trail**: An 8-kilometer route leading from Kołobrzeg to Ustronie Morskie, perfect for a family walk.
  • Yellow Trail - Trail around Połczyn-Zdrój**: A 12-kilometer route through forests and along the Baltic Sea, featuring beautiful viewpoints.
  • Green Trail**: A 10-kilometer route around Lake Resko Przymorskie, ideal for a relaxing walk in nature.

Tips for Walkers and Hikers by the Coast

  • Before heading out, check the weather forecast and bring appropriate clothing and footwear.
  • There are often rest areas and toilets along the hiking trails.
  • Remember to take water and snacks with you.
  • During the summer season, the trails may be crowded.

Water Sports by the Sea

The Baltic Sea is an ideal place for water sports enthusiasts. In Kołobrzeg, you will find rental shops for surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, kayaking, and sailing equipment. You can also take a boat trip and admire the coastline from the sea.

Water Sports Available in Kołobrzeg

In Kołobrzeg, there are several schools offering courses for people of all skill levels in:

  • Surfing
  • Windsurfing
  • Kitesurfing

You can also go kayaking on the Parsęta River using a local kayak rental.

If you dream of a cruise on the Baltic Sea, Marina Kołobrzeg offers yacht trips on our sea.

Tips for Water Sports Enthusiasts in Kołobrzeg

  • Ensure you have the appropriate skills and equipment before starting water sports.
  • If necessary, take advantage of an instructor’s services.
  • Familiarize yourself with local safety regulations on the water.
  • Don’t forget to bring sunscreen and a hat.

Cycling Tours in Kołobrzeg and Surroundings

Kołobrzeg and its surroundings offer a rich network of cycling routes, ideal for both experienced cyclists and those who prefer less demanding trails. You can go on a cycling trip alone or with family and friends.

Cycling Routes in Kołobrzeg and Surroundings

  • Coastal Route**: A 20-kilometer route from Kołobrzeg to Ustronie Morskie, perfect for a family cycling trip.
  • EKOPARK Eastern Route**: A 24-kilometer route through forests and along the Baltic Sea, with beautiful viewpoints.
  • Wolińska Route**: A 30-kilometer route leading to Wolin Island, ideal for experienced cyclists.

Tips for Cyclists Planning Trips Around Kołobrzeg

  • Before heading out, check the condition of your bike and take necessary tools with you.
  • Plan your route using the above suggestions and choose an appropriate map.
  • Make sure you have enough water and snacks with you.
  • Remember to wear a helmet and reflective gear, and follow traffic regulations (the routes in our area are well marked).

Hotel Diva SPA - Ideal for Athletes Planning an Active Vacation on the Polish Coast

Hotel Diva SPA is the perfect place for an active vacation by the sea. We offer comfortable accommodations, a bike rental service, and a rich SPA offer that will help you relax after a day full of experiences. We invite you to Kołobrzeg!

Additional Sports Attractions You Will Find in Our Hotel and in Kołobrzeg and Surroundings

  • Tennis Courts**: Kołobrzeg has numerous tennis courts where you can play a match with friends or family.
  • Swimming Pools**: Hotel Diva SPA and other facilities in Kołobrzeg have swimming pools where you can swim and relax.
  • Gyms**: You will also find gyms here where you can take care of your physical fitness.
  • Squash**: The hotel has squash courts available for use.
  • Rope Park**: There is also a rope park in Kołobrzeg where you can test your skills and overcome various obstacles.

Kołobrzeg is the ideal place for an active vacation by the sea. You will find many attractions for people of all ages and interests here. Hotel Diva SPA invites you to take advantage of our offer and spend an unforgettable holiday.

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