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Thyroid problems? Take iodine therapy by the sea in autumn!

Thyroid problems? Take iodine therapy by the sea in autumn!

09 August 2024

Autumn is a great time to go to the seaside, especially for people struggling with thyroid disease. Iodine, which is an element necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire body, is found in large quantities in seaside air. In this article, we will discuss how iodine therapy at the seaside can help treat hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's disease.

Iodine by the sea – a natural source of health

Iodine plays a key role in the production of thyroid hormones. Its deficiency can lead to serious health problems, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. In Poland, especially in mountainous areas, its deficiencies are common, which makes iodine therapy by the sea particularly important.

When is the most iodine by the sea?

The most iodine in the air by the sea occurs between November and March. During this time, strong winds and storms cause waves to break on the shore, releasing iodine molecules into the atmosphere. It is therefore worth planning an autumn vacation by the Baltic Sea to take advantage of the beneficial properties of this element.

What does iodine by the sea give?

Iodine therapy by the sea brings many health benefits, including:

  • Supporting thyroid function: Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism and affect general well-being.
  • Improved immunity: Inhaling iodine strengthens the body's immunity, which is especially important in the fall and winter.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect: Iodine has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's.
  • Improved skin condition: Iodine supports skin health, which is important for people with dermatological problems.

How much iodine by the sea?

Iodine is found in the air by the sea in an amount of about 0.5-1.0 µg per cubic meter, and its concentration is highest up to 300 meters from the shore. The closer to the shoreline, the more iodine you can inhale. Therefore, it is worth spending time walking on the beach to take maximum advantage of its beneficial properties.

What does iodine help with by the sea?

Iodine by the sea helps treat many thyroid conditions, including:

  • Hypothyroidism: People with hypothyroidism may experience fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating. Regularly inhaling iodine can support thyroid hormone production and improve well-being.
  • Hyperthyroidism: Iodine can help regulate hormone production, which is important for people with hyperthyroidism, who may experience symptoms such as nervousness, weight loss, and excessive sweating.
  • Hashimoto's: Iodine therapy can be beneficial for people with Hashimoto's disease, as iodine supports thyroid function and can help reduce inflammation.

Thalassotherapy - additional support for health

Iodine therapy can be enhanced with thalassotherapy, which uses the beneficial properties of the sea. Thalassotherapy is a form of treatment that includes not only iodine inhalation, but also the use of sea water, baths, massages, and salt inhalation. Seawater contains many minerals that support skin health and the overall condition of the body. Regular use of thalassotherapy in combination with iodine therapy can bring even better health effects.

Independent and safe iodine therapy

Iodine therapy by the sea is safe and available to everyone. Just go to a seaside beach to inhale iodine. Here are some tips on how to effectively carry out the therapy:

  • Choose the right time: The best time for iodine therapy is autumn and winter, when iodine is the most abundant.
  • Spend time outdoors: Regular walks on the beach or along the pier will allow for maximum iodine inhalation.
  • Sea bathing: If conditions allow, it is worth taking a bath in the sea, which also provides iodine to the body.
  • Balanced diet: In addition to iodine therapy by the sea, it is worth enriching your diet with products rich in iodine, such as sea fish, seafood and algae.

Iodine therapy by the sea is an excellent way to support thyroid health, especially in autumn. Breathing in the iodine in the seaside air has many health benefits, and regular walks on the beach can significantly improve your well-being. If you struggle with thyroid disease, consider a trip to the Baltic Sea to take advantage of the beneficial properties of iodine. It is worth taking care of your health by using the natural sources that the sea offers us. Thalassotherapy, as an additional form of support, can further enhance the effects of iodine therapy, bringing relief and improving the quality of life.

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